Para Coding

Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology (VVIT), under VVIT Guntur ACM Student Chapter conducted the technical event “SPARDHA” on 20th and 21st July 2018. On this prestigious occasion an event “PARACODING” has been conducted as a part of SPARDHA on 20st July 2018 at 10:00AM in Computer Science Engineering Lab. Many of them enthusiastically participated in the event.In this event ,they were given a task to implement in Different programming languages. Different solutions have come across and students enthusiastically participated in the event. Students had participated in this event with more enthusiasm and courage.

Para Coding 2 Para Coding 3

The Students of various Departments like CSE, IT, MCA and ECE from various colleges had actively participated in the event and made the event Grand Success. The winners of the event were decided according to the time. The students who had reached their goal first are announced as winners of the event.

Winners: P.Sai Bhaskar and K.Nitisha of Vignan College Duvvada won first prize, K.pavani and K.B.V. Sri Lekha of VLITS won second prize, G.S.S. Anudeep and C. Ganesh of RVR&JC won the third prize.

Spardha Activities

21 July 2018

Spardha-Tap the Techie in You


Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology (VVIT), under VVIT Guntur ACM Student Chapter conducted the technical event “SPARDHA” on 20th and 21st July 2018.On this prestigious occasion an event “TAP THE TECHIE IN YOU” has been conducted as a part of SPARDHA on 20st July 2018 at 10:00AM in Computer Science Engineering Lab. Many of them enthusiastically participated in the event.In this event ,they were given a Problem Statement and aksed to consult the faculty and explain the requirement specifications. And they were asked to give Presentation about the problem.

Tap The Techie In You1 Tap The Techie In You3

Students had participated in this event with more enthusiasm and courage. The Students of various Departments like CSE, IT, MCA and ECE from various colleges had actively participated in the event and made the event Grand Success. The winners of the event were decided according to the time. The students who had reached their goal first are announced as winners of the event.

Winners: R.Sunayana, R.Sailusha, P.Pallavi of VRSEC won First Prize, T.Kusuma Ratnavali, A.Rajya Lakshmi, VSivanjali of KKR & KSR won Second Prize, V.Saichandana, T.Supriya, M.Sridivya of RVR&JC won Third Prize

Hits: 1536
21 July 2018

Spardha-Ooze Your Think Tank


Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology (VVIT), under VVIT Guntur ACM Student Chapter conducted the technical event “SPARDHA” on 20th and 21st July 2018. On this prestigious occasion an event “OOZE YOUR THINK TANK” has been conducted as a part of SPARDHA on 20st July 2018 at 1:00pM in Computer Science Engineering Lab. Many of them enthusiastically participated in the event.A screening test had been taken by 64 Student teams in the event.Out of this 64 teams a total of 10 teams had been selected for the next phase.

Ooze Your Think Tank 2 Ooze Your Think Tank 3

In the second phase of the event the teams were asked questions relatedto technical knowledge.Students had participated in this event with more enthusiasm and courage. The Students of various Departments like CSE, IT, MCA and ECE from various colleges had actively participated in the event and made the event Grand Success. The winners of the event were decided according to the time. The students who had reached their goal first are announced as winners of the event.

Winners: V. Gnana Sirissha, P. Devika, S. Swarrna II-CSE of PVP Siddahartha Innstitute of Technology.

Runners: K Pavani, K.B.V. Sri Lekha, P. Rupa Swathi IV-CSE of Vignan’s LARA Institute of Technology.

Hits: 1584
21 July 2018

Spardha-Para Coding

Para Coding

Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology (VVIT), under VVIT Guntur ACM Student Chapter conducted the technical event “SPARDHA” on 20th and 21st July 2018. On this prestigious occasion an event “PARACODING” has been conducted as a part of SPARDHA on 20st July 2018 at 10:00AM in Computer Science Engineering Lab. Many of them enthusiastically participated in the event.In this event ,they were given a task to implement in Different programming languages. Different solutions have come across and students enthusiastically participated in the event. Students had participated in this event with more enthusiasm and courage.

Para Coding 2 Para Coding 3

The Students of various Departments like CSE, IT, MCA and ECE from various colleges had actively participated in the event and made the event Grand Success. The winners of the event were decided according to the time. The students who had reached their goal first are announced as winners of the event.

Winners: P.Sai Bhaskar and K.Nitisha of Vignan College Duvvada won first prize, K.pavani and K.B.V. Sri Lekha of VLITS won second prize, G.S.S. Anudeep and C. Ganesh of RVR&JC won the third prize.

Hits: 1553
21 July 2018



Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology(VVIT), under VVIT Guntur ACM Student Chapter conducted the technical event “SPARDHA” on 20th and 21st July 2018 .

On this prestigious occasion an event “FIND FIT and FINISH (FFF) ” has been conducted as a part of  SPARDHA on 21st July 2018 at 11:30AM in Computer Science & Engineering Lab

Many of them enthusiastically participated in the event.A screening test had been taken by 64 Student teams in the event.Out of this 64 teams a total of 10 teams had been selected for the next phase.

Find Fit And Finish 2 Find Fit And Finish 3


In the second phase of the event the teams were given some clues of their code and the out sketch of the college to find out their code kept in various places.Students had participated in this event with more enthusiasm and courage. The Students of various Departments like CSE, IT, MCA and ECE from various colleges had actively participated in the event and made the event Grand Success.

The winners of the event were decided according to the time. The students who had reached their goal first are announced as winners of the event.

Winners:  D.Charan,  G.RaviTeja, G.S.S.Anideep of III- IT from RVR&JC won 1 st Prize, Sk.Zakeer, P.Sai Chand, V.Gopi of   IV- CSE   from KHIT  won 2 nd Prize, R.Mani Kishore, S.Ravi Kishore, U.V.S.Kalyan of   III- CSE   from   KITS won 3 rd Prize.

Hits: 1345
21 July 2018

Spardha-Use Pencil to your Design

Use Pencil to Your Design

Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology (VVIT), under VVIT Guntur ACM Student Chapter conducted the technical event “SPARDHA” on 20th and 21st July 2018. On this prestigious occasion an event “Use Pencil to Your Design” has been conducted as a part of SPARDHA on 20t July 2018 at 10:00AM in Computer Science Engineering Lab.

Use Pencil To your Design 2 Use Pencil To your Design 3

Many of them enthusiastically participated in the event.In this event ,they were given a theme to design on their own canvas .All the teams should come up with the design in their own representation . Students had participated in this event with more enthusiasm and courage. The Students of various Departments likeCSE,IT,MCA and ECE from various colleges had actively participated in the event and made the event Grand Success. The winners of the event were decided according to the time. The students who had reached their goal first are announced as winners of the event.

Winners: J.Sai Ram, E.Bhaskar Reddy of KHITS won First prize, V. Sai Vyshanavi ,Y. Sai Sravya of VR Siddardha won Second Prize, B. Sravya,V. Mounika of Vignan Institute of Information Technology won Third Prize

Hits: 943