The Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology is at the forefront of the Technological activities aimed at enhancing the student skills. The VVIT Guntur ACM-W Student Chapter is motivated by this commitment and takes pride in supporting ACM-W’s Hour of Code initiative. They achieve this byintroducing computing curriculums to the schools.

Hour of Code is a global movement conducted during every computer science education week, reachingtens of millions of students across 180 countries through a one-hour introduction to computer science and computer programming. Worldwide ACM Student chapters are gearing up to organize the weeklong event from December 9 to 15, 2024.
VVIT Guntur ACM-W Student Chapter as a local student chapter requested the approval of conducting an “Hour of Code” event to the ACM-W India council. On approval, VVIT Guntur ACM-W Student Chapter conducted an event “Hour of Code” from the prescribed website “www.hourofcode.com” at four schools as mentioned below.

1. Oxford International School                     
2. Vignananda Bala Kuteer                            
3. ZP girls High School                                   
4. Sri Patibandla Sitaramaiah High School

For the “Hour of Code” event, the primary goal of the VVIT Guntur ACM-W student chapter is to introduce school children to the fun of coding. The administrators of the above-mentioned schools werecontacted by the VVIT Guntur ACM-W Student Chapter officers to request permission to hold the “Hour of Code” event there. They appreciated the effort of the VVIT Guntur ACM-W Student Chapters and
supported them.

12 members of the VVIT Guntur ACM-W Student Chapter took part in the event. All the student chapter members divided themselves into three teams, of a minimum of three members each. The team is as follows:

 Team 1   Team 2  Team 3
 P. Chandana  G. Gayathri   Ch. Ankitha 
 G. Jigeesha   C. Meenakshi   P. Sri Harshitha
 K. Divya Sri Durga  P. Asritha Sai   P. Usha Kiran 
 V. Bala Harshitha  K. Rajeswari   Y. Sravya 


Event Poster

Day-wise Schedules:

Date : 10th December, 2024
Time : 01:30 PM
Schools: Oxford International School, Vignananda Bala Kuteer

The VVIT Guntur ACM-W Student Chapter member took a step forward to host the event “Hour of Code” at Oxford International School and Vignananda Bala Kuteer which is located in the city of Guntur. The Chapter officers arrived at the school for the afternoon session and made the necessary preparations to start the event “Hour of Code” by 01:30 PM. The Students of Oxford International School and Vignananda Bala Kuteer gathered at their school Library and school classrooms respectively for the event and the representatives of the student chapter took responsibility for explaining the Impacts of Computing for standard 8 and 9.

Oxford International School:

 Strength   Team
 Standard   Venue   Tools Used 
 100   1  8 & 9    Library   Exploration of computing impacts with
real-world examples, IoT
demonstrations, quantum computing
insights, and innovations like diamond
based data storage and deep brain

The VVIT Guntur ACM-W Student Chapter representatives conducted an informative session to explore the fascinating journey of computing. The session was structured as follows:

• P. Chandana began by addressing the students, setting the tone for the event "Hour of Code." She explained the foundation of computing and highlighted its critical role in modern technology and how it has shaped our lives. She also delved into the world before computing, sharing captivating insights into Charles Babbage’s groundbreaking contributions.

• G. Jigeesha took the audience on a journey through the transformation of computing, discussing the computing process and its importance. She highlighted the brilliant minds—programmers, engineers, and researchers—who have made this evolution possible.

• V. Bala Harshitha elaborated on the diverse computing devices we use daily, from laptops and desktops to tablets, showcasing their unique capabilities and purposes. She painted a vivid picture of how computing is omnipresent in our lives, extending into IoT, and demonstrated how smart
devices, from refrigerators to wearables, integrate with IoT to make our lives smarter and more efficient.

• K. Divya Sri Durga discussed the profound impacts of computing, both positive and negative. She explored topics such as digital inclusion, space exploration, cybersecurity challenges, and e-waste. She also presented cool facts about computing innovations and quantum computing.
• Student’s doubts were handled by all officers.


Chandana Setting the Tone for the "Hour of Code" Event and Discussing the Foundation of Computing

ACM-W Chapter officer P. Chandana opened the event by introducing the VVIT GUNTUR ACM-W Student Chapter and ACM-W’s Hour of Code 2K24, emphasizing the foundation and importance of computing in modern technology. She illustrated how it has revolutionized various fields and transformed everyday life. She also shared stories about Charles Babbage and the evolution of computing from simple tools to powerful machines.


Transformation of Computing


Officer G. Jigeesha then took the audience on an exciting journey through the evolution of computing, starting with the early use of vacuum tubes and leading to today’s advanced processors. She also discussed on computing process and acknowledged the brilliant programmers, engineers, and researchers who played key roles in this transformation, highlighting their contributions to the rapid growth of technology and the computing process.


 Bala Harshitha Showcasing the Diverse Computing Devices We Use Daily and Their Integration with IoT 

After this session, officer V. Bala Harshitha elaborated on the diverse computing devices we use daily, including laptops, desktops, and tablets. She explained how laptops offer portability for work and entertainment, desktops provide power for intensive tasks, and tablets are perfect for browsing and entertainment while being easy to carry. She then extended computing into the Internet of Things (IoT). Also demonstrated how smart devices, such as refrigerators and wearables, connect to the internet to collect and share data, making daily tasks smarter and more efficient. 


Divya discussing the Positive and Negative Impacts of Computing and Presenting Innovations


Chapter Officer K. Divya Sri Durga discussed the profound impacts of computing, both positive and negative. She explored topics such as digital inclusion and space exploration as examples of computing's benefits, while also addressing challenges like cybersecurity threats and the growing issue of e-waste. Divya emphasized the need for balanced and responsible use of technology in shaping the future. She also shared cool facts about computing innovations, including advancements in quantum computing and
energy-efficient technologies.

                                                         WhatsApp_Image_2024-12-10_at_20.59.50_2.jpeg          IMG_4429.JPG

Presenting ACM pens

ACM-W officers interacted with students with some icebreaker games to make them feel more comfortable in interacting with the officers to ask about their doubts and queries related to Computing. The game included two rounds: the first challenged students to decode full forms, and the second tested their knowledge of computer-related shortcuts


All Officers Addressing and Handling Students' Doubts and Questions

Finally, the ACM-W Chapter officers concluded the session by clearing the doubts of the students regarding the topics discussed during the session and their queries regarding the Impacts of Computing in the society. Students who were actively participated in the event are provided with some gifts like ACM pens. Officers collected feedback from the students about the Hour of Code event.





Vignananda Bala Kuteer:

 Strength   Team
 Standard   Venue   Tools Used 
 50   3  8 & 9    Classroom  Exploration of computing impacts with
real-world examples, IoT
demonstrations, quantum computing
insights, and innovations like diamond
based data storage and deep brain


VVIT Guntur ACM-W Student Chapter representatives:

• Ch. Ankitha began by addressing the students, setting the tone for the event "Hour of Code." She explained the foundation of computing and highlighted its critical role in modern technology and how it has shaped our lives. She also delved into the world before computing, sharing captivating
insights into Charles Babbage’s groundbreaking contributions.

• P. Sri Harshitha took the audience on a journey through the transformation of computing, discussing the computing process and its importance. She highlighted the brilliant minds—
programmers, engineers, and researchers—who have made this evolution possible.

• P. Usha Kiran elaborated on the diverse computing devices we use daily, from laptops and desktops to tablets, showcasing their unique capabilities and purposes. She painted a vivid picture of how computing is omnipresent in our lives, extending into IoT, and demonstrated how smart devices, from refrigerators to wearables, integrate with IoT to make our lives smarter and more efficient.

• Y. Sravya discussed the profound impacts of computing, both positive and negative. She explored topics such as digital inclusion, space exploration, cybersecurity challenges, and e
waste. She also presented cool facts about computing innovations and quantum computing.

• Student’s doubts were handled by all officers.


Ankitha discussing about "Hour of Code" Event and the Foundation of Computing



ACM Chapter officer Ch. Ankitha opened the event by introducing the VVIT GUNTUR ACM-W Student Chapter and ACM-W’s Hour of Code 2K24, emphasizing the foundation and importance of computing in modern technology. She highlighted key milestones and achievements in computing, illustrating how it has revolutionized various fields and transformed everyday life. She also shared stories about Charles Babbage and the evolution of computing from simple tools to powerful machines.

Harshitha talking about the Transformation of Computing

Officer P. Sri Harshitha then took the audience on an exciting journey through the evolution of computing, starting with the early use of vacuum tubes and leading to today’s advanced processors. She also discussed on computing process and acknowledged the brilliant programmers, engineers, and researchers who played key roles in this transformation, highlighting their contributions to the rapid growth of technology and the computing process.

Usha Showcasing the Diverse Computing Devices We Use Daily and Their Integration with IoT

After this session, officer P. Usha Kiran elaborated on the diverse computing devices we use daily, including laptops, desktops, and tablets. She explained how laptops offer portability for work and entertainment, desktops provide power for intensive tasks, and tablets are perfect for browsing and entertainment while being easy to carry. She then extended computing into the Internet of Things (IoT). Also demonstrated how smart devices, such as refrigerators and wearables, connect to the internet to
collect and share data, making daily tasks smarter and more efficient.


Sravya discussing the Positive and Negative Impacts of Computing and Presenting Innovations


Chapter Officer Y. Sravya discussed the profound impacts of computing, both positive and negative. She explored topics such as digital inclusion and space exploration as examples of computing's benefits, while also addressing challenges like cybersecurity threats and the growing issue of e-waste. Sravya emphasized the need for balanced and responsible use of technology in shaping the future. She also shared cool facts about computing innovations, including advancements in quantum computing and energy-efficient technologies.


Tower of Hanoi    Presenting ACM pens 

ACM-W officers interacted with students with some icebreaker games like Tower of Hanoi to make them feel more comfortable in interacting with the officers to ask about their doubts and queries related to Computing and also to build problem solving and logical thinking abilities. All Officers Addressing and Handling Students' Doubts and Questions Finally, the ACM-W Chapter officers concluded the session by clearing the doubts of the students regarding the topics discussed during the session and their queries regarding the Impacts of Computing
in the society. Students who were actively participated in the event are provided with some gifts like ACM pens. Officers collected feedback from the students about the Hour of Code event.


All Officers Addressing and Handling Students' Doubts and Questions

Finally, the ACM-W Chapter officers concluded the session by clearing the doubts of the students regarding the topics discussed during the session and their queries regarding the Impacts of Computing in the society. Students who were actively participated in the event are provided with some gifts like ACM pens. Officers collected feedback from the students about the Hour of Code event.



Date : 12th December, 2024
Time : 10:00 AM
School : ZP girls High School

The VVIT Guntur ACM-W Student Chapter member took a step forward to host the event “Hour of Code” at ZP girls High School which is located in the city of Guntur. The Chapter officers arrived at the school for the morning session and made the necessary preparations to start the event “Hour of Code” by 10:00 AM. The Students of ZP girls High School gathered at their school classrooms for the event and the representatives of the student chapter took responsibility for explaining the Impacts of Computing for standard 8 and 9.

ZP girls High School: 

 Strength   Team
 Standard   Venue   Tools Used 
 60   2  8 & 9    Classroom  Exploration of computing impacts with
real-world examples, IoT
demonstrations, quantum computing
insights, and innovations like diamond
based data storage and deep brain

The VVIT Guntur ACM-W Student Chapter representatives conducted an informative session to explore the fascinating journey of computing. The session was structured as follows:

• C. Meenakshi began by addressing the students, setting the tone for the event "Hour of Code." She explained the foundation of computing and highlighted its critical role in modern technology and how it has shaped our lives. She also delved into the world before computing, sharing captivating insights into Charles Babbage’s groundbreaking contributions.

• G. Gayathri took the audience on a journey through the transformation of computing, discussing the computing process and its importance. She highlighted the brilliant minds—programmers, engineers, and researchers—who have made this evolution possible.

• P. Asritha Sai elaborated on the diverse computing devices we use daily, from laptops and desktops to tablets, showcasing their unique capabilities and purposes. She painted a vivid picture of how computing is omnipresent in our lives, extending into IoT, and demonstrated how smart devices, from refrigerators to wearables, integrate with IoT to make our lives smarter and more efficient.

• K. Rajeswari discussed the profound impacts of computing, both positive and negative. She explored topics such as digital inclusion, space exploration, cybersecurity challenges, and ewaste. She also presented cool facts about computing innovations and quantum computing.

• Student’s doubts were handled by all officers.

Meenakshi addressing about the "Hour of Code" Event and Foundation of Computing.

ACM-W Chapter officer C. Meenakshi opened the event by introducing the VVIT GUNTUR ACM-W Student Chapter and ACM-W’s Hour of Code 2K24, emphasizing the foundation and importance of computing in modern technology. She highlighted key milestones and achievements in computing illustrating how it has revolutionized various fields and transformed everyday life. She also shared stories about Charles Babbage and the evolution of computing from simple tools to powerful machines.

Gayathri talking about the Transformation of Computing and Its Process, Asritha discussing on the Diverse Computing Devices and IoT

Officer G. Gayathri then took the audience on an exciting journey through the evolution of computing, starting with the early use of vacuum tubes and leading to today’s advanced processors. She also discussed on computing process and acknowledged the brilliant programmers, engineers, and researchers who played key roles in this transformation, highlighting their contributions to the rapid growth of technology and the computing process.

After this session, officer P. Asritha Sai elaborated on the diverse computing devices we use daily, including laptops, desktops, and tablets. She explained how laptops offer portability for work and entertainment, desktops provide power for intensive tasks, and tablets are perfect for browsing and entertainment while being easy to carry. She then extended computing into the Internet of Things (IoT). Also demonstrated how smart devices, such as refrigerators and wearables, connect to the internet to collect and share data, making daily tasks smarter and more efficient.

Chapter Officer K. Rajeswari discussed the profound impacts of computing, both positive and negative. She explored topics such as digital inclusion and space exploration as examples of computing's benefits, while also addressing challenges like cybersecurity threats and the growing issue of e-waste. Divya emphasized the need for balanced and responsible use of technology in shaping the future. She also shared cool facts about computing innovations, including advancements in quantum computing and energy-efficient technologies.


ACM-W officers clearing the doubts of Students

ACM-W officers interacted with students with some icebreaker games to make them feel more comfortable in interacting with the officers to ask about their doubts and queries related to Computing. The game included two rounds: the first challenged students to decode full forms, and the second tested their knowledge of computer-related shortcuts.

Meenakshi interacting with students using icebreaker activities

Finally, the ACM-W Chapter officers concluded the session by clearing the doubts of the students regarding the topics discussed during the session and their queries regarding the Impacts of Computing in the society. Students who were actively participated in the event are provided with some gifts like ACM pens. Officers collected feedback from the students about the Hour of Code event.




Date : 13th December, 2024
Time : 10:00 AM
School : Sri Patibandla Sitaramaiah High School

The VVIT Guntur ACM-W Student Chapter member took a step forward to host the event “Hour of Code” at Sri Patibandla Sitaramaiah High School which is located in the city of Guntur. The Chapter officers arrived at the school for the morning session and made the necessary preparations to start the event “Hour of Code” by 10:00 AM. The Students of Sri Patibandla Sitaramaiah High School gathered at their Computer Lab for the event and the representatives of the student chapter took responsibility for explaining the Impacts of Computing for standard 8 and 9.

Sri Patibandla Sitaramaiah High School:

 Strength   Team
 Standard   Venue   Tools Used 
 80   6
from 3
 8 & 9    Computer Lab Exploration of computing impacts with
real-world examples, IoT
demonstrations, quantum computing
insights, and innovations like diamond
based data storage and deep brain

The VVIT Guntur ACM-W Student Chapter representatives conducted an informative session to explore the fascinating journey of computing. The session was structured as follows:

• C. Meenakshi began by addressing the students, setting the tone for the event "Hour of Code. She explained the foundation of computing and highlighted its critical role in modern technology and how it has shaped our lives.

• P. Chandana delved into the world before computing, sharing captivating insights into Charles Babbage’s groundbreaking contributions.

• P. Asritha Sai took the audience on a journey through the transformation of computing, discussing the computing process and its importance.

• G. Jigeesha highlighted the brilliant minds—programmers, engineers, and researchers—who have made this evolution possible.

• G. Gayathri elaborated on the diverse computing devices we use daily, from laptops and desktops to tablets, showcasing their unique capabilities and purposes. She painted a vivid picture of how computing is omnipresent in our lives, extending into IoT, and demonstrated how smart devices, from refrigerators to wearables, integrate with IoT to make our lives smarter and more efficient.

• P. Sri Harshitha discussed the profound impacts of computing, both positive and negative. She explored topics such as digital inclusion, space exploration, cybersecurity challenges, and ewaste. She also presented cool facts about computing innovations and quantum computing.

• Student’s doubts were handled by all officers.

Meenakshi addressed about "Hour of Code" Event and discussed on Foundation of Computing

ACM-W Chapter officer C. Meenakshi opened the event by introducing the VVIT GUNTUR ACM-W Student Chapter and ACM-W’s Hour of Code 2K24, emphasizing the foundation and importance of computing in modern technology. She highlighted key milestones and achievements in computing, illustrating how it has revolutionized various fields and transformed everyday life.


Chandana Sharing Insights into the World Before Computing and Charles Babbage’s Contributions


Officer P. Chandana took the audience back to the era before computers, sharing stories about Charles Babbage and the evolution of computing from simple tools to powerful machines. P. Asritha Sai then took the audience on an exciting journey through the evolution of computing, starting with the early use of vacuum tubes and leading to today’s advanced processors.


G. Jigeesha acknowledged the brilliant programmers, engineers, and researchers who played key roles in this transformation, highlighting their contributions to the rapid growth of technology and the computing process.

Gayathri talking about the Transformation of Computing and Its Process


After this session, officer G. Gayathri elaborated on the diverse computing devices we use daily,including laptops, desktops, and tablets. She explained how laptops offer portability for work and entertainment, desktops provide power for intensive tasks, and tablets are perfect for browsing and entertainment while being easy to carry. She then extended computing into the Internet of Things (IoT). Also demonstrated how smart devices, such as refrigerators and wearables, connect to the internet to collect and share data, making daily tasks smarter and more efficient.

Usha discussing the Positive and Negative Impacts of Computing and Presenting Innovations

Chapter Officer P. Usha Kiran discussed the profound impacts of computing, both positive and negative. She explored topics such as digital inclusion and space exploration as examples of computing's benefits, while also addressing challenges like cybersecurity threats and the growing issue of e-waste. She emphasized the need for balanced and responsible use of technology in shaping the future. She also shared cool facts about computing innovations, including advancements in quantum computing and energy-efficient technologies.

ACM-W officers clearing the doubts of Students

ACM-W officers interacted with students with some icebreaker games to make them feel more comfortable in interacting with the officers to ask about their doubts and queries related to Computing. The game included two rounds: the first challenged students to decode full forms, and the second tested their knowledge of computer-related shortcuts.

Finally, the ACM-W Chapter officers concluded the session by clearing the doubts of the students regarding the topics discussed during the session and their queries regarding the Impacts of Computing in the society. Students who were actively participated in the event are provided with some gifts like ACM pens. Officers collected feedback from the students about the Hour of Code event.


Group photo with principal of Sri Patibandla Sitaramaiah High School