Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology (VVIT), under VVIT Guntur ACM Student Chapter conducted the event “PICTIONARY” on 11 January 2019 at 2:30PM in III CSE C ClassRoom.

Pictionary is a kind of technical fun game. In this each team consists of 2 participants. One of the team members will pick the chits and draw them on the board so that the other team member will guess the technical word. Each team will be given 2 minutes time and the team who guesses more words within the time will be considered as winners.

This competition has keyed up the students of CSE, IT and ECE. It has got a huge response of 40 registrations from the students.


Team Member guessing the word by seeing the picture

A total of 30 students participated in the competition. They were also made aware of the rules of the competition. Thereafter, the event is started by picking up the chit and guessing the word by other participant.


Participants observing the pictures.

The participants were evaluated on the number of words guessed.


  1. R.Vennela and P.Sahitj – I IT C
  2. M.Deepthi and P.Satya Siporah – II CSE C


Winners with the Faculty Sponsor Praveena Madam

This event was organized by the members of VVIT Guntur ACM student chapter. The details of the team who worked for this event are given below.


1.Ch.Sri Devi  - III CSE A

2 . B.Leela – III CSE A

The event ended blissfully with the appreciation of participants.

ACM-W Activities

12 January 2019


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