VVIT ACM Student Chapter hosted Code Hustle on Thursday, August 10th, 2023 from 10:30 AM. The event was part of the annual tech fest SPARDHA and was attended by students from various institutions.

➢ The event is restricted in time.

➢ The team size is 1.

The event received a great response from students of various institutions with over 821 participants.




Code Hustle was a competitive coding event in which the participants are provided with a set of problems. The participants are awarded points based on the number of questions they solve and the number of test cases they pass.
The problems ranged from easy to difficult which affects their overall final score. The participants have to solve most of the questions in a given 1 ½ hour time frame.


The HackerEarth platform was used to organize the event, each participant used a separate HackerEarth account. participants are provided with questions from different sets.

The weightage of marks is based on the complexity of the problem. The participant who manages to secure the most marks will be declared the winner.

Event Winner:
    ➢ A. Venkata siva pavani - VR Siddhartha


Winner of the event

Event Runner:
    ➢ G. Mallika – Vignan Nirula Institute of Technology


Runner of the event

Photographs from the event:

 ch44  ch
 ch009  ch1